¥   Title and Authors

Simple Mathematical Simulations for Event Driven Programming

Suranga Hettiarachchi

Computer Science Department

Indiana University Southeast

New Albany, IN 47150


¥   Objectives

Expose students to event driven programming concepts using simple mathematical simulations and introduce them to group projects in CS1/CS2 courses.


¥   Why Is It Engaging

Modeling and simulating mathematical problems are not very common in CS2 courses.  The depth of the problems increases student problem solving skills, technical communication skills, and understanding of complex computational concepts. An interesting outcome is the amount of discussions these problems generate.


¥   The Exercise

There are two examples, the first is simulating closest pair problem and the second is simulating motion of a pendulum.  Students use graphical interfaces, event handlers, and timers to implement software solutions to these problems. The mathematical basis of the problems uses trigonometry, Pythagorean theory and periodic motion.


¥   Reasoning Topics Covered

User interface design, event listeners, and trigonometry for periodic motion, Pythagorean theory, brute force and/or recursive algorithms.


¥   Audience

First or second year undergraduates in CS1 and CS2 programming courses.


¥   Discussion (Difficulty, Strengths, Weaknesses, Dependencies, Variants)

Instructor can scale the difficulty of the  first problem by introducing more realistic physical aspects of pendulum motion (force laws) , and either using brute force algorithm or a recursive algorithm can change the difficulty of the closest pair problem.



Two Examples:  simulating closest pair problem and the second is simulating motion of a pendulum.


The first problem is simulating closest pair


Design of the simulated environment of Closest Pairs.



The closest pair problem: There are two algorithms that can be used to solve this problem

The straightforward problem is in computational geometry though it has been applied to derive solutions to different problems. The brute-force algorithm is O(N^2) complexity. Of course there are much more efficient solutions to this problem than this brute-force approach.

We need to know the minimum distance between two points in a space with N points where each point is defined by (x,y) coordinates. We can exhaustively compute the distances between each pair (there are N*(N-1)/2 pairs of points here) and pick the pair with the minimum distance 

minDistance <--- MaxInteger

ClosestPoint_p <--- unknown

ClosestPoint_q <---- unknown

for  i <---0 to N{

    for j <-- 0 to N{

         if ( (i != j)  && distanceBetween(Point_i, Point_j) < minDistance){

               minDistance <----  distanceBetween(Point_i, Point_j)

               ClosestPoint_p <--- Point_i 

               ClosestPoint_q <---- Point_j                 




Closest pair is defined by the points   ClosestPoint_p and ClosestPoint_q.

With help of Pythagorean Theorem, we can find the distance between two points.

If the two points have following coordinates,

 Point_i = (x_i, y_i)

 Point_j = (x_j, y_j)

Distance between the the two points can be found by

Square root of  ((x_j - x_i+ ( y_j - y_i)2)  


We can also use a recursive algorithm to solve this same problem.  You may find that Vectors or ArrayLists are also suitable data structures.

may use a container like


function closest_pair(l,r) { // l- left most index, r - right most index

            //P[l...r] ->array  containing all the points

            //assume P[l...r] is sorted by x-coordinate  <----use Quicksort O(nlogn)


            if size(P)<2 // there should be at least two points to process

                        return infinity;


            mid=(l+r)/2;  // middle index

            midx=P[mid].x; //x-coordinate of the middle index


            //recursive calls to the left of the midx and right of the midx

            dl=closest_pair(l, mid); // closest pair left of midx

            dr=closest_pair(mid+1, r); //closest pair right of midx


            //side effect: P[l...mid] and P[mid+1...r] are sorted by y-coordinate (due to merge)


            delta=min(dl, dr);//minimum distance given from dl and dr

            //QL contains all the points delta distance left of midx

            QL=select_candidates(l, mid, delta, midx);

            //QR contains all the points delta distance right of midx

            QR=select_candidates(mid+1, r, delta, midx);      

            //dm is the closest pair in the 2*delta region from midx

            dm=delta_m(QL, QR, delta);

            // merge makes P[l..r] sorted by y-coordinate

            merge(l, mid, r);


            // closest pair is the one with minimum distance of these three

            return min(dm, dl, dr);



select_candidate(l, r, delta, midx) {

            //from P[l...r] select all points which are in the distance at most delta from midx line

            create empty array Q

            for(i=l to r) // for all the points from left to right of this half

                        // find the ones that lies less than delta distance from midx point


                                    store P[i] in Q

            return Q;



function delta_m(QL, QR, delta) {

            //are there two points p in QL, q in QR such that d(p,q)<=delta?

             //n is the number of data points

             // QL and QR are sorted in ascending order by y-coordinates


            j=1; dm=delta; //this is the minimum we know so far


            for(i=1 to size(QL)) for all the points in the left


                        //  is there a point in the right side in the interval y-delta

                        while(j<=n and QR[j].y<pt.y-delta)



                        // check for all the points to the right in the interval y+delta


                        while(k<=n and QR[k].y<pt.y+delta)

                                    // store the minimum, if there is any such points

                                    dm= min(dm, dist(pt, QR[k]));


            return dm;// this is the minimum found so far in the middle region




The second problem is simulating motion of a pendulum.


Design of the simulated environment of Pendulum.


The t1, t2, and t3 are specific time steps.  The pendulum starts at time t1 at 60degree angle (right most angle) and once it reaches 120degrees (left most angle) at time t3, the pendulum swings the other way. The letter l represents the length of the string/rod. We are not modeling this pendulum swing using force laws, we can ignore all that for now, if someone is interested in modeling the pendulum swing using forces, you are welcome to do so.

The point (x1, y1) is fixed, and we need to find the position of the bob (x2, y2) for every degree change in angle.  We can check the angle as follows,

If (angle is less than the right most angle)

            increment angle_delta // want  to swing left


            decrement angle_delta //want to swing right

update the angle by adding angle_delta

Now we know the angle, we can use bit of trigonometry to find the position (x2,y2)

x2 = x1 + l cos(angle)

y2 = y1 + l sin(angle)

Angle must be in radians not degrees.