
the informatics of scientific computing

The Voronoi Construction at t = 1

The dual structure to a Voronoi cell complex is known as the Deloné triangulation (in 6D the ``triangles'' are six-dimensional simplices), and the structure of both entities can be calculated for the extrema of Ψ ( x ) at t = 1 , the 6D BCC lattice. The Deloné edges dual to these Voronoi faces are quite simple with respect to the 6D hyperoctahedral group. For instance, about the origin the Deloné edges connect the origin to points like {100000} or to the 64 points made up of $ \pm$ ½ . The faces corresponding to {100000} are eliminated, and all the others are kept. This cell complex agrees with the sign of Ψ ( x ) (at t = 1 ) over 96% of 6-space based on a Monte Carlo sampling of points; planar cuts of this 6D structure are shown in Figure  2.10 .

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Voronoi cell of the 6D BCC lattice.}

Chris Kimmer 2011-06-01

cjkimmer -at-